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Is there a big difference between, "The Tunnel of Love" or  "The `house of Horror"?

This Instillation was about our perceptions of, sensations.

What makes you feel euphoria, fear, security, irritation, warmth, cold, satisfied, un-satisfied, nostalgic, daring, "turned-on," "turned- off, sad or needy?

The ambiguity of taste, the thin line between, "One mans food is another mans poison."

Does the sound of a heart beat, ( my sound scape,") remind you of, the scan of your un-born child, or the last days of someone you care for?

Does the sound of your thumping pulse, in your ear drum, tell you to take it easy, or that the day is done and it's nice to be slowing down?

Is latex a way to keep you unsullied or ticklish? Repulsed? Or does it give you a feeling of tactile satisfaction, that you might not want to admit too? Or maybe you want to share it with other like-minded people?

I asked people to step inside, close the door, stay as long as you like, or get out quick! and then to tell me what they think"


Here are some of the answers:


"I felt like I was being tickled by the fingers. It also made me feel like there was a secret world going on behind the gloves" -anon

" I felt claustrophobic" - June

" It felt like  womb.Very therapeutic" - B

"Loved it! Strange security from the beating heart. Gloves a bit freaky, but made me feel like I was at a Birthday party"





(Latex,string and chicken wire. 2013)

© 2013 / Melissa Caplan / 07957306788 /

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